discrimination - the act of treating some people unfairly because of prejudice.
prejudice - an opinion that is formed without knowing all the facts.
stereotypes - a standardised and unusually oversimplified and inaccurate conception held in common by many people.
protest - an abjection or complaint.
social messaging - passing of a message idea from person to person in a community
learning - demonstrate how social messages and stereotypes can affect feelings of self worth.
what happened - during 1970's there was a big stereotype that pacific people were over stayers which is a person who stays passed the due time to stay in a different country. it all started when New Zealand when there was not enough people to cover all the jobs so they called up on the pacific and invited them to stay in New Zealand to fill in on the caps. out of the sudden there was a saying that the pacific was over stayers because there was now some people not from the Pacific who had no jobs so they made the pacific scapegoats and blamed them on problems they had nothing to do with. It got to a point that they were now getting raided in there own houses. the police came at 3am to ask these people to come out with pass ports and visas to prove any rights of the pocific to be in New Zealand. people wore now poisoned until they could get them a flight back to there own country.
sterotypes - pacific people were overstayers and were taking the jobs. how did the dawn raids impacted nz? change the laws so no more people were getting raided and ask for proof that they belong in nz.
bastion point what happened ~ in small words in Auckland there was to many houses and no room to make any more. so there was one place called bastion point, bastion point was a small peice of land with no houses or anything on it. there was a group of maori who decided to grow kumara even though it was the wrong time of the year. they also built houses and a mare. the president then got tanks and police to go and fight against the people who lived there. the people who lived there standed and used passive Resistance instead of violence. the police arrested them and destroyed the land and all they built. it was only 1988 they got there land back.
stereotypes - that the people of bastion point were taking the land that they were not allowed. that the government was doing something wrong and that he should have not done.