
Friday, 30 October 2020

200 word challenge week 3

 Hi guys today in Wanaga we have been doing independent tasks and one of them was the 200 word challenge. The 200 word challenge can e done in a variety of different ways. We do 200 word challenges nearly every Friday in period two Wanaga. We do the 200 - 100 word challenge with a picture. IN the picture this week we have a whale shark called the Rhincodon Typus this is a slow moving whale shark the likes to eat sharks. I wrote it like it was me getting chased by the Rhincondon Typus. For the 200 word challenge I ended up with 247 cause I turned it into a story. 

As I dive into the deep blue seas to get some photos of the life below I swim to

the bottom or at least I think the bottom to see creatures yet to be seen and others

that have been discovered. The magnesium and sodium levels are high as they

should be. I swim around taking a lot of photos to show the underworld where the

fish live. I was running out of air in my tank so I decided to go back up on my way

up I feel a force of water pushing me like there was something behind me I went to

look to see but as I go to look I  have a sudden feeling that it's bigger than me the

water pushing on me feels to powerful to a fish or another human. I go to glance in

horror with a slight thought of what it is. I look back to see an Rhincodon typus there,

very slow moving but eat a lot. It’s not that far behind me but i still have time to escape.

I started to swim faster and just as the Rhincodon typus was still coming for me a

Blacktip Reef shark swam in front of the Rhincodon typus. The Rhincodon typus

decides to start going after the Blacktip Reef shark knowing I was two far from

it to catch up. It follows the Blacktip Reef shark and I make it out alive with more

diving to do. 

Thursday, 29 October 2020

Abstract art

 Hi for the past two weeks we have been doing abstract art. The task was to get a A3 piece of paper and fold it into 3 half's and do art about three words. The three words were fear, love/compassion and growth. We had to three elements in to the art. There are six elements altogether. The six elements are line, shapes, form, texture, tones and colours. When we did the three words you had to use your Geometric shapes and your Organic shapes. Geometric shapes our ones you can see and know what they are for an example triangles rectangles squares circle etc. Organic shapes are the one's you don't know what they are you cant tell what they are. Organic shapes are basically the opposite to Geometric they are like scribbling and you have different shapes that you don't know what they are. When we did the  three words on the A3 paper we had to use three of the elements and your art could be real random but you have to have some sort of connection to your art for the words eg for love and compassion you could do totally random but you have to understand what its showing and it must have some sort of connection to in it has to have something with love in it. When we did the art with the blending of the colours we  had to to do words for an example hot ,cold dark ,light  love hate. when I did it i chose to do hot cold and so I blended red into orange dark blue to light blue and it turned out really good. my favourite task for this subject that we have done would have to be the three words. I liked the three words because it was fun to do random shapes and random things to make my art I would love to do the hot and cold but with paint it would be more fun and more exciting to try and experiment the colours and what  happens  and what will be the final look.

playing to win chapter 5

 Hi guys to I was reading on my chapter 5 of my book playing to win. Chapter 5 was very interesting all though not much happened. my favourite part was when we got to know about Alice's brother and how he died in a crash after his rugby party. In chapter 5 there was not much going on apart finding out Alice's brother and how he died. The next interesting part was the accident  that happened with Denny and the crash. So far this book has been good but to be honest all the interesting things are in one whole chapter and then the next chapter is boring. chapter five has been the most boring chapter yet but i do like how they unlocked more on Alice since see is being stuck with Todd cause Todd is very clingy and like Alice so he wont let her go. 

our task for this week is to make your own question for Friday discussion. My question's our what do you think happened at the party? how do you think the crash happened or how it was caused?. In chapter 5 we learned that Alice does not like rugby or crashes cause of her brothers accident. This topic on how her brother died helped me think of a question but I came up with two.

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

 hi last week we have been looking at freeze frames and techniques like levels and   spacial relationships, expressions and gestures. we did freeze frames but are subject was bully's. I think my group did well and we did an great on our frames I especially liked acting like im the main bully and acting like im going to punch my friend. we practised before we did our own freeze frames. some of our faces in the photos are really funny with my group we did some interesting things when we were acting. my favourite part was when we got to try and make the titanic with our body with three people. When I was the bully I felt real good and interested on what we were doing and all the freeze frames we did all though next time I do want to do an real act on bully's so I get to act as a bully. In drama we have been looking at what we could do to make it more interesting and that is when the levels and spacial relationships (etc) come in. with my group we did a lot of different techniques and I think we used levels the most.

Tuesday, 20 October 2020

playing to win character description

 hi guys today we did some character description on our novel we are reading about a book about rugby and trying to understand the characters. some of the characters were not  mentioned a lot and it was hard to explain what they were like. we read chapter 3 - 4 on playing to win. the task was to understand the characters from what they have said done and how they speak this is the 2nd week on reading playing to win and so far it has been going good we are in different groups for different novels as said and we are doing this to give us a chance to do more that just read the book and next week a different book. 

Fifine Niue ~ fuata muta writing

 Hi today we in Wananga we have a new language week. the two languages we are learning is Niuean and tokelau.   

I can see a little girl sitting by the waves letting the water goes over her feet as she sings a song she make u in math class. The water was as clear as glass with a light blue tint to it. Her hair was blowing in the wind. As she sings her parents are sitting on a rock listing to her song without her knowing. She sings a graceful harmony. the waves hit the big rocks and splash against the rocks. As the sun is setting and the sky is yellow orange and a little blue with pink clouds a ray of sun reflects onto the little girl singing.

Monday, 19 October 2020

100 word challenge

 hi today in wanaga we did an 100 word challenge. we did this with a picture of a dog wrapped in a blanket in a forest. This 100 word challenge was done on our Chromebooks.

Friday, 16 October 2020

blackout poetry digital

hi guys this first week of  the term for rt we have been working on blackout poetry. we are now doing it digital. we are doing this on are Chromebooks and taking screen shots of what we have made from other peoples story like Alice in wonderland. we used this sight on are Chromebooks that is used to do black out poetry. I love doing this on our Chromebooks Because it is more easy and its just like a click of an finger. This sight is a very useful for blackout poetry.

pink shirt day design our own shirt

 hi today we have been designing our own shirt. we did this on our Chromebook or paper i did it on paper and it was pretty plain. I liked this because we got to do something fun and interesting next time i might do more interesting things. 

Thursday, 15 October 2020

playing to win fast finishing task

 Hi this week in reading we have been working on a novel study called playing to win this is about a kid named  Denny and he is at a new house and school and got a car and he like rugby. This book is a very interesting book and I cant wait to read more. In this book there is a phrase where the main character says "you can fight a whole war, forty minutes each way and come out the other end alive. More or less anyway" Tying it into rugby I think he is trying to say that you fight for the ball you can win you can lose but at the end you will always be alive? So what do you think? rugby is a really fit game and its involves people getting hurt the main thing in rugby is to have fun and i think thats for every sport.

summery playing to win

 hi guys today in reading we have started a new book called playing to win and this book is about a boy named Denny. Denny brought a new car a  red Mazda. Denny has had some very bad times with this boy named Todd. Todd is what you call a boy with the girl of his dreams that doesn't  like him. we have to do an summery that explains what has happened so far who are the characters and what are they like.

Some of the few things that have happened so far is Denny got a new car and has got a job at the video store. Denny has moved houses and schools at has went to a new school and started fresh. A little about Todd is he is very rude and likes to pick on people and is very annoying and might have a little crush on a girl called Alice. Alice is a girl that Todd likes she is friends with Denny. Alice likes to sing and sings in a band with her other friends. one of my favourite parts is when Todd's car breaks down. when todds car breaks  down it was at the lights when he showed off to Alice. 

Wednesday, 14 October 2020

Blackout poetry

Hi guys today we this start of term four for art we have been working on blackout poetry. Blackout poetry is when you have an article or newspaper and you make a story with the words of what someone else has written when you have picked your few words you black out every thing else about from the few words you picked. One of one of my favourite parts was when we had to do a design  that  links to your poem. I really disliked how long it took for me to find a good story line or words form someone else's poet that  made a good story. We did this to learn the relationship between image and text. Blackout poetry is a very fun and exciting way to make a poem. When we were learning how to make a blackout poem we watched a video on how to make an newspaper blackout poetry. I really liked this type of way to do a poem and I hope I get to do this type of poem again some time in my journey  at school. 

Tuesday, 13 October 2020

PE expectations

 hi today we are going over PE expectations. one of the Pe expectations is having your gear you always need your pe uniform for pe. another expectation is to line up in two lines and be quiet. next is to not touch any of the gear before you have been instructed to. when the teacher is doing the role you have to not talk and listen for your name. when you have been let in the gym you go and get changed as fast as you can so you can be ready to do the role of whatever you do. if your uniform cant be used like when in the wash yu can bring any type of clothes that can be used. if you dont have your uniform you will sit out.

Pink shirt day

 Hello this week we have been working on finding out what pink shirt day is for what it represents and what it is. pink shirt day is not for breast caner its for standing up to bully's and no bulling.