Hi guys today in Wanaga we have been doing independent tasks and one of them was the 200 word challenge. The 200 word challenge can e done in a variety of different ways. We do 200 word challenges nearly every Friday in period two Wanaga. We do the 200 - 100 word challenge with a picture. IN the picture this week we have a whale shark called the Rhincodon Typus this is a slow moving whale shark the likes to eat sharks. I wrote it like it was me getting chased by the Rhincondon Typus. For the 200 word challenge I ended up with 247 cause I turned it into a story.
As I dive into the deep blue seas to get some photos of the life below I swim to
the bottom or at least I think the bottom to see creatures yet to be seen and others
that have been discovered. The magnesium and sodium levels are high as they
should be. I swim around taking a lot of photos to show the underworld where the
fish live. I was running out of air in my tank so I decided to go back up on my way
up I feel a force of water pushing me like there was something behind me I went to
look to see but as I go to look I have a sudden feeling that it's bigger than me the
water pushing on me feels to powerful to a fish or another human. I go to glance in
horror with a slight thought of what it is. I look back to see an Rhincodon typus there,
very slow moving but eat a lot. It’s not that far behind me but i still have time to escape.
I started to swim faster and just as the Rhincodon typus was still coming for me a
Blacktip Reef shark swam in front of the Rhincodon typus. The Rhincodon typus
decides to start going after the Blacktip Reef shark knowing I was two far from
it to catch up. It follows the Blacktip Reef shark and I make it out alive with more
diving to do.