
Tuesday, 30 March 2021

Huru 3 story

 these past few weeks I have been working on an story with 1004 words in it. In our story there had to be friends , train track , train , sushi, cheetah and it had to be at 3am. I did my story about a group of friends going out having fun after a sleepover. This took a long time and I really enjoyed doing this. I would defiantly do this again.

Did you find this interesting and what more could I do to make it fun to read.?

3am in the foggy morning  Alexia questioned its

Monday, right?, Alexia and her friends headed

off from a sleep over into the forest thinking about

drawing a cheetah on their math test to get out

of it. Alexia and her friends were walking into the

forest while eating  sushi, Alexia had a glance of a

musty mold filled train track with a train half on the

train track tipped over. As Alexia ran off into the distance

with all her friends wondering why Alexia slowed down

to stand before a train laying down with rust and mold

all over it. Alexia jumped to climb onto the train just as

all her friends catched up to stare at her with an awkward

worried look on their faces. Alexia ``Come on let's

have a look at the inside”, as they all know that alexia

dad fixes trains and  partly owns one with other friends.

They all trusted Alexia and all said “ If anything goes

wrong it's your fault” Alexia didn't care much cause

I mean In every horror movie everything goes wrong

but in reality you will have a problem then later

forget it. The  fog starts to go whoosh be gone!

We all go through the main door of the train. It started

to make a creaking noise but Alexia and her

friends didn't care, as they carried on they had

to crawl across the dusty ground. Vines coming

through the broken window with glass all on the

floor. Just like all the horror movies a spider

jumps out like Hello! As one of Alexia's friends

screamed as loud as they could, we all started

to laugh real loud. 10 minutes later while walking

in the train, Alexia's friends decided to take a

break and finish their sushi. When they started

to finish their sushi ALexia said “hey let's go back

and eat  more sushi”. Alexia and her friends

all head back and sleep for a few more hours,

but Alexia waked  them all up to say “how about

we skip school to explore more into the forest

past the train”. As we are getting changed alexia

had a distinctive thought: what if we have a

challenge to see how long we can stay in the

forest separated. Alexia go’s and tell them as

some shake their head and some nod their head

but that didn't stop alexia. 

Alexia said to her friends “look,

you're either going to school or

doing this challenge! They all

looked at each other and said they wanted to

do the challenge.

P2   The Challenge

 4:43 Alexia and her friends waddled their

way to the forest with the HUnTEd train

track, they don't know if it's haunted but

they just wanted to name it The HUnTEd

Train track. they take place and walk into

the forest then they separate into their

different spots with food, clothes and all they

needed for their midnight challenge. The rules

are they can move around and move spot to

spot but if they see someone else they have

to go the other way. As alexia and her friends

talked into their walky talky making jokes and

playing around, they laughed and cried at the

same time. After they finished pigging out on

snacks they then realised it's now 12:00. Alexia

then goes into the walky talky and says “ meet

up at the stop sign” they all jump and leap there

way back to the stop sign. Alexia said “let's come

back at 6pm and finish the challenge” Alexia

whispered. Back at alexia’s friends house they

laughed at the thought that everyone else is at school

doing the maths test. Alexia + her friends watched

movies and acted scenes in the titanic, they also did

a blind fold makeup challenge. It looked hideous 😒😑

and funny.  Alexia kept checking the time

and after a lot of fun crying, laughing and eating

It then became 5:46 Alexia Out of the blue jumped

out of excitement to shout “TIME TO FINISH THE

ChALLENGE!!!!!!!” all of alexia’s friends jumped

out of fright, they all got  packed with all of what

they needed. They then headed out and walked

to the stop sign in front of the forest. ALexia and

her friends then stomped into the forest and setted

up their spots  and started to go back into talking

into their walkie talkies and giggled about stuff. Alexia

started to talk about what she wanted to do when

she got older and her favorite quote or motto.  As

then her friend started to say what they wanted to

do when they were older  and their favorite quote/motto.

One of alexia’s friends said “ I wanna become

an actress and I like the quote “ you shouldn’t

be always available for someone who doesn't

even ask you how you are doing” another one

of alexia’s friends said “ I wanna be an archaeologist

and my favorite quote/ small saying

“ disappointed but not surprised” and the

last one said “  I wanna be ME! And I like

the quote stars can't shine without the darkness”.

Alexia and her friends keep talking and talking

when their phone hit 9:00 They then say 4 more

hours left and we have complete the challenge

but suddenly a scrunch of dry leaf sound was heard

by Alexia, Alexia wasn't scared but the dry leaf sound

kept coming closer and closer like bee to its hive but

suddenly the noise stopped right behind her she slowly

turned her head around and that's when it hit.

Rose red blood was everywhere and a brown

haired girl layed down speechless without a noise

the thing that made the noise backed off leaving

the clueless girl lay with no expression on her face.

The same thing happens to all her friends,

weird sounds then clueless bodys laying upon

the floor, with blood covering the forest beauty

and clueless faces. The story behind the death

of 5 girls just happens to be a page with not answer. 

Story only - 1004 words.


music moods

 Hello today in music huru we have been working on music moods. We had to find songs that match the moods for us eg a song that makes me sad is Hallelujah.  I found this really fun and interesting and I really enjoyed this. Next time I think we should share the songs to each other to see if there are any songs we have the same with other people.  My favourite song is Don't Stop Believing because It really makes me smile with tears in my eyes.

Dont Stop Believing

sad - Hallelujah - Hallelujah

energetic - Bohemian Rhapsody - Bohemian Rhapsody

calm - Somebody To Love - Somebody To Love

happy - DON'T STOP BELIEVING  - Dont Stop Believing

irritated - Jingle Bells -  Jingle Bells

wanna cry and sing your heart out - DONT STOP BELIEVING!!!

 What songs make you feel sad?


Friday, 26 March 2021

compass reading huru 3

 Hello this week  in maths I have been working on compass reading. We have been given a worksheet on the degrees of a compass, and I would like to share with you my DLO about compasses and and what the degrees mean on it. My favourite part was finding more about the points in between the main arrows which are North,East,South and West. I had been given an task to make a DLO about what we have learned or what we know about compass stuff. I have been working with Stella as a buddy to do this DLO.

Wednesday, 24 March 2021

Local Heroes task Huru 1

 Hello this week in Huru 1 we have been working on a slide with Local Heroes. I did my slide of a Mosque hero, doing this I learned a lot about what happened during the Mosque. I really enjoyed doing this task about the Mosque. Next time we do this I think we should do it about and hero that exists on earth or has been alive on earth. I picked this person cause of their brave actions and cause they helped other people and didn't ignored the random sound and tried to distracted the person.  

Abdul Aziz
Abdul Aziz threw an eftpos machine  and a gun

while chasing the man away. He showed bravery,

no brains and adrenaline kick. 
He was a furniture store owner, and he was at the

mosque at the time. Abdul got involved by hearing

the gun shoots and  seeing his brothers and sisters starting

to fall, then grabbing and eftpos machine and ducking

through the cars.
He got involved cause he saw his brothers and sisters

starting to fall and then got an adrenalin kick.
He did not get any award from what I have read or seen.

  He still thinks about his sisters and brothers

knowing that they’re dead. 

Abdul Aziz: Saved lives by running at gunman in mosque | RNZ News

Monday, 22 March 2021

Whakanuia ngā Ahurea kete wga

bonjour, hello today we have been working on our culture kete. we have been given words to find the meaning of. we have also talked about who we are eg what culture are you.  me and my friend Casey are working on a slide show together about this kete. we got told to make an dlo or a creative slide with the meanings of the words we have been given.

Wednesday, 17 March 2021

huru 1 interveiw

Hello, we have been working on an interview for your hero or some one who inspires you. we have been learning how to write an interview to our person. I picked Julie Andrews a famous singer and actor. She has inspired me to never give up and always smile an be happy. She also played in one of the movies that I love. The move that she played in also resembles my childhood and will be a movie that I cherish. 

Hello, I'm Shanaya and today I will be interviewing Julie Andrews! A little about Julie Andrews is that she is an English singer and actress. She starred in the movie The Sound Of Music and Mary Poppins.  The reason why I look up to Julie Andrews is even when she had a problem with her voice she kept going on and never gave up. She also always has a bright smile and is fantastic at singing and acting. I wish I had the same amount of skills when acting. So today I have some questions to ask Julie Andrews. 

Here are some of my questions I would ask Julie Andrews.

  1. What was your favourite song to sing from the Sound Of Music?

  2. If you could go back in time what year and time in your life would you go back to?

  3. If you could have anything you wanted what would it be?

  4. If you were to be in any movie you like what would it be?

  5. What inspired you to become an actor or singer?

  6. Out of all songs in the world what would you sing if you had your voice again?

  7. If you could be anybody who would you be?

  8. Is there a movie that you didn't like to play in?

  9. What was your favourite movie that you played in?

  10. What was your childhood game you played?

I hope to see you in a movie with your beautiful voice again. Thank you for the talk and I hope to talk to you again sometime.

 All of Julie Andrews' movies ranked from worst to best

my instrument counting the beat huru 2

 Hello yesterday in music we had to draw our own instrument and label the different parts so we know what it is. We are learning to know our Woodwind, Brass, Percussion and Strings instruments. When we created our instrument we had to label all the different parts and take a photo.  I really had fun with this and wish to do this again when I have better drawing skills.

This is a really bad picture and you probably cant see it but I did get really creative with it. I was supposed to video myself explaining what it is and what family its in but the teacher ended up giving us a choice so I didn't make one. My instrument  is all of the family's its woodwind, strings, percussion and brass.

international childrens day

hello, I have been working on a set of slides about international children's day. I got told to look at these slides and pick a country to get some information about the country we picked. I picked Japan because its a lot different to New Zealand and has its own unique culture and cause I like japan. when we were doing the slides or slide we had to compare things like their home life, their school life, chores, work, food and their expectations.

Tuesday, 2 March 2021

pe athletics

 Hello this term for Pe we have been working on Athletics eg High Jump, disc, Shot Put and Sprints. my favourite is Disc. one reason why I like disc is because my mother was the top in Disc in south Otago when she was younger and also I like Disc cause its fun.  In High jump my favourite part was when we distracted our teacher by doing this weird hand movement that she thought was funny. One thing I notices about my self while doing High Jump was that I got mixed up by what foot I use to jump first. In Shot Put I also enjoyed having a got at throwing. next time I need to work on my push when we are working on Shot Put. In Long Jump i thought i did good. one technique i learned was to end in a squat so you can plant your feet in the sand. last but not lest is Sprints I have mix feelings for Sprints when i ran i did learn that i start later than most when we start running. After all i think that Sprints are ok and that im good at it. We are learning to know what different techniques to use when doing athletics.